A Social Connection App

Connection And Growth For The Serious Skater 

On this page you will find some of the information and features you will find on our mobile app. It is currently under development. Sign up below to get updates on this community building space and be the first to get it when we launch. Let us know what features you like and why you would use it. 
What Will You Find In Our Community?

A Social Connection Platform

This is a social connection platform where you will communicate with other skaters in our community. 
Start conversations, upload videos, upload photos, and build community.

Crash my Crib & Skate

Invite your friends in our community to a couch or a room for a skate weekend. 

Airbnb Skate

Invite your friends in our community to a couch or a room for a skate weekend. 

UBER Skate

 Your broke ass can't get from the airport to your skate destination? Your skate homies will pick you up.  

Locate Skate SPOTS

By Country, State, Province , City, Google earth   
Other Features: Learn about the skate spot history, founder/first to skate, view google earth
Watch video: Meet the skater who founded the skate spot.   

Locate Skate PARKS

By Country, State, Province , City, Google earth 

Locate Skate Shops

By Country, State, Province , City, Google earth 


By Country, State, Province , City, Google earth
Skater Association, Groups and Organization
Skateboarding Competitions
Find professional and amateur competition, Find By Country, State, Province , City
Other Features: Free listing in our platform or payn to promote on our platform.  
Instructional Videos Trick and Tips: The most basic to most advanced tricks broken down by the best skaters in the world  

Skate Game Apps: Play the hottest collection of skateboard games available online 

Skate News Around The World: Get FREE articles from your favorite skateboarding publication, read article and news. 

Industry Professional LINK: Industry photographers, videographers, promoters.   
Promote your services in the industry free listinng and paid promotions.  

Enter your name and email below to be notified when we launch this amazing platform and link up with your skateboarding community anywhere you go...
Copyright 2021 Skater Link. 
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